What Am I Up To This Summer? #SummerBloggerChallenge

This summer I’m going to be participating in a weekly challenge where I blog about certain topics that are summer related. Charlotte, who blogs at  Velvets and Vinyls, was the one who came up with this brilliant idea and she has put in so much work and behind the scenes action to make this all possible, so thank you Charlotte! I can’t wait to meet some other wonderful bloggers and read all about their adventures! This is also cool for you, my readers, because if you follow the hashtag, #SummerBloggerChallenge, you’ll be able to not only read my post, but other cool blogger’s posts as well!


This week kicks off the challenge and the first prompt is, What are you doing this summer?

What am I doing this summer?


Okay I’m just joking. I’m actually doing a lot. With interning, commuting, conferences, and just seeing friends and family, I hardly have time for power naps, let alone, large elaborate things to plan for the summer.

This summer is actually quite the makeover for me. I’m really starting to get my professional life together. The internship is giving me a lot of confidence, work-wise, and socially as well. I can confidently walk around the city with my head up and do a little exploring, and not just move from point A to point B. A summer spent in the Center of the Universe is a summer worth exploring! So I plan to take advantage of that.

Speaking of a career-driven summer, I have signed up for a couple conferences that I cannot wait to tell you guys about. So to answer the question, What am I up to this summer?, in addition to BBQ’s and walking on the boardwalk, I’m going to be attending Fashion PR Confidential and the Her Campus National Intercollegiate Conference in NYC this summer!

Fashion PR Con and the Her Campus Conference are both going to be great, but like the internship I just started, I really don’t know what to expect. All I have are internet testimonials and high hopes. Not only will I be attending these workshops, but I’ll also be attending them by myself, which also makes for some new experiences. I’m pretty okay now being the lone ranger, but I have it up there on my to-do list to be as social and bubbly as possibly at these events, so that I can make the most out of them. Loud, chatty, and expressive, “me” always tends to become more introverted whenever I find myself in an intimidating situation that puts me outside of my comfort zone, so this will be one fear to face as I put my best foot (or heel) forward for these two incredible weekends.

Since I don’t know much about what’s going to be happening at these conferences, I guess all I can say is, look out for the posts when I come back from them! I’ll be as detailed as possible, I promise. I’m finally starting to take my life into my own hands, and if I want to go and gallivant around the city in a blazer with resumes flying everywhere, well then that’s what I’m going to do. Hello Summer. 



8 thoughts on “What Am I Up To This Summer? #SummerBloggerChallenge

  1. so jealous that you are going to go to both of those conferences. Dying to go to a blogging conference period.

  2. Congrats on the internship! I’ve had a few over the years and they really helped me grow professionally! I can’t wait to hear about the conferences, that’s so awesome!!

  3. Hi Briannah,
    Wow! It seems like you’re going to be busy with all the your career-related activities. I wish you all the best! <3<3

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